Regardless of the industry in which you operate, unscheduled downtimes in production are the nightmare of every plant operator. Temporary production outages mean that costs soar instantly.
Think ahead and don’t let it get that far in the first place! DriveRadar® for industrial gear units is an ultra-modern condition monitoring system, which digitally records and automatically assesses gear unit data. The results of such analyses can be used to evaluate the current condition of gear units. Forecasts derived from this also allow you to predict future changes in condition. All the results and findings obtained serve as a basis for predictive maintenance.
An extensive package of sensors, with which your industrial gear unit is equipped, provides the database for this. These sensors capture all operationally relevant physical parameters: vibration behavior, oil level, oil temperature, ambient temperature and input speed.
Sensors installed in the gear unit record physical parameters of the industrial gear unit that are of relevance to operation. The recorded data is then evaluated and interpreted on an automated basis. Continually monitoring the measured values ensures a transparent gear unit condition at all times.
The underlying analytical processes match irregularities directly to the affected components, reveal trends and make it possible to predict when critical conditions are likely to arise. Should a change in condition occur, the user is informed without delay. Options for eliminating the fault yourself as well as recommended services from SEW-EURODRIVE are both indicated.
The sensors record the parameters of the industrial gear unit and forward these to the DriveRadar® EdgeProcessingUnit (EPU). The package of sensors comprises 2 × acceleration sensors, 1 × oil temperature sensor, 1 × ultrasound sensor, 1 × speed sensor and 1 × DriveRadar® EdgeProcessingUnit.
The sensors capture the following data:
The DriveRadar® EdgeProcessingUnit records all sensor data and transmits the collated measured values to the SEW-EURODRIVE data centers (certified in line with ISO/IEC 27001). The data is transmitted encrypted and at short intervals.
The raw data that has been collected is analyzed, interpreted and prepared in the SEW-EURODRIVE data centers:
The visualization in the DriveRadar® IoT Suite allows you to see the current condition of the gear unit and its components at a glance:
This provides your basis for intelligent predictive maintenance.
Using an OPC UA interface as standard also means measurement data and condition information can be incorporated directly into your customer system. If the traffic light displayed changes to amber or red ("Overall Health Status"), this tells you when you should take a look at your DriveRadar® IoT Suite.
The device list provides you with an overview of your industrial gear units. You can use filters and a grouping function to configure the view as you wish. A traffic light system simplifies continuous monitoring and ensures the user the transparency required in terms of gear unit condition, doing so in an intuitive way and at all times.
Thanks to the visualization of condition and forecast values, you can see at a glance (everything is shown on one page) which measured values are OK or whether there are failures present.
All historical data for a measured value is visualized in the detailed view. In the event of warnings and errors, you have the option of jumping straight to the time at which the incident was triggered.
Sensor package:
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